Bamboo for Screening
Bambusa nana decorus
Nana decorus is one of the many varieties of bambusa nana and is very similar in form to thai silk bamboo.
This variety is a stunning bamboo that has very sweet shoots to eat and its useful poles have many uses.
The most popular use in thailand is creating a instant smart bamboo screen using individual sticks (culms) with rhizome attached.
They can be supplied from 1meter to 4 meters tall by bamboo Whitsunday. From spring to mid summer.
They are shipped as a treated and sealed bundle of sticks (culms) with rhizome. You pot them up or plant them out into their bed on arrival. They like a warm humid sunny site. To grow new roots and new foliage.
Customers will receive a planting and caring guide with there smart bamboos
For more relevant info, go to our Thai Silk, Thai Beauty, and Smart Bamboo pages.